What Is Training and Consultation?
The training and consultation resources described in this section are designed to bridge science and practice by translating new research and clinical knowledge into tools that are useful for you.
Training and Consultation can help you incorporate new techniques and approaches, through state-of-the-art tools/resources to support people in mental health recovery, achieve the kind of housing, employment, education and community they want.
In addition to the resources found archived in this section, stay up to date on timely announcements about upcoming live events related to training with the CPR Blog.
Who is Training and Consultation for?
Regardless of your country or region, we provide training and consultation for a range of stakeholders such as:
- Agency, system administrators
- Practitioners across disciplines, employment specialists
- Supervisors
- Peer providers, peer support workers, peer advocates or associations
- Family members, associations
- Employers
- Faculty, educators
- Students
- Researchers
Featured Training Resource: Recovery Promoting Competencies Toolkit
The Toolkit is designed to support a wide range of providers looking to promote the recovery of clients with mental health conditions, including those living with the experience of serious mental illnesses. Available in both English and Spanish.
View Toolkit
Training and Consultation helps me ...
Learn what the techniques and approaches are
Become informed through training designed to increase your awareness and understanding of topics in the field of recovery and psychiatric rehabilitation practice and research.
Learn how to deliver these techniques and approaches
Develop your ability and expertise in delivering new interventions, techniques or in the use of new tools to help the people you serve/support.
Learn how to teach others to deliver, or supervise the delivery of, these techniques and approaches
Learn how to train others effectively, in recovery and psychiatric rehabilitation. Learn the skills of providing effective supervision in these topics.
Get help in implementing these techniques and approaches within your organization, association or system
Get technical support for policy, procedures, personnel or other infrastructure issues that arise in embedding and sustaining recovery-oriented services, interventions, techniques or tools, within your organization, association or system.
Learn to help others to implement these techniques
Learn the skills of providing consultation to recovery-oriented services.
Learn about new topics
Consider new topics for training and consultation, by reviewing the Center’s recently developed materials, resources, and curricula for the field.
Available Training Programs
Learn more about training programs in Vocational Recovery, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, and Promoting Recovery.
BU-CPR Provider Training: Recovery & Rehabilitation Topics
External Provider Training- Employment of People with Psychiatric Disabilities
Examples of Training and Consultation projects
The Training and Consultation Division has worked with programs and government agencies throughout the world.
Past ProjectsFramework
The Center organizes the strategies it uses through a framework of exposure, experience, expertise, embedding.
Learn about the 4E FrameworkDistance Learning
There are many Training and Consultation opportunities for learning online including: Self-Paced Online Courses, Webcasts and Webinars, Blended Learning Courses and Online Supervised Practice.
Start Learning NowLearn More
Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page for the Training and Consultation Division to find out more about practicalities like where training is conducted and how long training or consultation takes.
Frequently Asked Questions