Boston University Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Boston University Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Empoderamiento vocacional a través de Fotovoz

Marie E. Restrepo-Toro, Cheryl Gagne, Zlatka Russinova, Philippe Bloch, Sharon Pritchett, Tracy Woods y Debbie Nicolellis

Spanish VEP cover
Curriculum / Workbook (PDF)


Was: $39.95

Empoderamiento vocacional a través de Fotovoz

Marie E. Restrepo-Toro, Cheryl Gagne, Zlatka Russinova, Philippe Bloch, Sharon Pritchett, Tracy Woods y Debbie Nicolellis


Was: $39.95


Público objetivo:
El contenido del currículo de Empoderamiento vocacional a través de Fotovoz puede resultar útil para administradores, coordinadores de programas, supervisores, proveedores de salud y personal de grupos de apoyo de pares, en sus labores para apoyar las aspiraciones vocacionales de personas en recuperación.

Additional Materials for Purchase


El propósito del programa de Empoderamiento Vocacional a través de Fotovoz (VEP, por sus siglas en inglés) es ayudar a las personas a pensar acerca de trabajar, y de esta manera empoderarles para establecer metas profesionales. Para muchas personas con un diagnóstico de enfermedad mental grave es difícil imaginar poder trabajar. Puede parecer que existen demasiadas barreras y que es difícil saber por dónde empezar. Este programa invitará a los participantes a considerar seguir una vida profesional significativa.

El empoderamiento vocacional consiste en sentir confianza en la capacidad de uno mismo para obtener y mantener un trabajo. Fotovoz es una manera en la que un individuo o un grupo de individuos pueden captar fortalezas, problemas o preocupaciones al combinar fotografías con textos escritos. Las fotografías y los textos escritos son utilizados en discusiones de grupo para ayudar a las personas a reflexionar sobre sí mismas y sus situaciones, de una manera positiva que eduque e incremente su confianza.

El currículo incluye dos libros: la Guía para el Líder y la Guía para los participantes. Para cada sesión de clases hay una lección detallada para seguir en la Guía para el Líder y una sección para ser utilizada conjuntamente por los participantes en la Guía para participantes. El grupo está diseñado como una clase interactiva, dinámica, con varios componentes, y para ser dirigida por líderes de pares con amplia experiencia en Empoderamiento Vocacional a través de Fotovoz. Cada participante necesitará tener la Guía para participantes junto con un lápiz o bolígrafo para escribir durante las sesiones de Fotovoz.

En la Guía para el Líder para cada sesión de grupo se incluyen cinco secciones:

  • Un resumen de la sesión
  • Una programación de entrenamiento por cada módulo
  • Antecedentes del contenido de la sesión
  • Una lista de los materiales o suministros necesarios para cada sesión
  • El plan de la sesión

Diseñado para utilizar con Capacitación y entrenamiento por parte del Centro de Rehabilitación Psiquiátrica (Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation)

Se recomienda que el currículo de Empoderamiento Vocacional a través de Fotovoz se combine con la implementación y capacitación técnica de nuestros instructores del Centro de Rehabilitación Psiquiátrica. Si está interesado en una Consulta de Capacitación/Entrenamiento para saber cómo utilizar mejor estos materiales de entrenamiento profesional en su agencia o programa, por favor contacte a:

Citation: Restrepo-Toro, M. E., Gagne, C., Russinova, Z., Bloch, P., Pritchett, S., Woods, T., & Nicolellis, D. (2015). Empoderamiento vocacional a través de Fotovoz: Guia para el Lider. Boston, MA: Boston University, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Product Details

la Guía para el Líder:

PDF file: 57 páginas
Publicado: 2015
ISBN: 978-1-878512-62-8

la Guía para los Participantes:

PDF file: 62 páginas
Publicado: 2015
ISBN: 978-1-878512-61-1

Table of Contents

Guía para el Lider

  • Introducción para Líderes de Grupos ntecedentes del Currículo
  • Cómo utilizar el currículo xhibición de Fotografías
  • Plan de lección 1: Introducción al empoderamiento vocacional a través de Fotovoz
  • Plan de lección 2: Mi vida laboral
  • Plan de lección 3: Escribir narraciones de Fotovoz
  • Plan de lección 4: Mis valores vocacionales
  • Plan de lección 5: Mi identidad vocacional
  • Plan de lección 6: Beneficios y costos de la vida laboral (Parte 1)
  • Plan de lección 7: Beneficios y costos de la vida laboral (Parte 2)1)
  • Plan de lección 8: Servicios vocacionales y apoyos1)
  • Plan de lección 9: Establecermetas1)
  • Plan de lección 10: Completar la travesía vocacional

Guía para los participantes

  • Unidad 1: Introducción al empoderamiento vocacional a través de Fotovoz
  • Unidad 2: Mivida laboral
  • Unidad 3: Escribir narraciones de Fotovoz
  • Unidad 4: Mis valores vocacionales
  • Unidad 5: Mi identidad vocacional
  • Unidad 6: Beneficios y costos de la vida laboral (Parte 1)
  • Unidad 7: Beneficios y Costos de la vida laboral (Parte 2)
  • Unidad 8: Servicios vocacionales y apoyos
  • Unidad 9: Establecer metas
  • Unidad 10: Completar la travesía vocacional


Maria Restrepo-Toro photo

Maria Restrepo-Toro, MS

Ms. Restrepo-Toro was a Senior Training Associate and worked in several research projects and divisions throughout the years.  Maria has six years of clinical experience, and she developed the Latino Initiatives at the Center. She trained people in the field of vocational psychiatric rehabilitation both nationally and internationally, in both English and Spanish. She developed training materials, both in English and Spanish. She was the Principal Investigator for a Field Initiated project funded by NIDRR. She was a Co-Principal investigator for phase I / II of Community Action Grant for System Changes within Massachusetts. She was responsible for coordinating the implementation of an exemplary practice that will be culturally competent and will meet the rehabilitation and recovery needs of the Latino consumers within the state. Maria strongly believes in the need to empower Latinos with psychiatric disabilities to recover and regain hope, and to gain equal access to rehabilitation services.

Cheryl Gagne photo

Cheryl Gagne, ScD

Dr. Gagne had been with the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation since 1988 when she joined the Supported Employment Research Project Team.  Since then she has worked in numerous research, training, and service projects at the Center. Currently, Dr. Gagne is a senior training associate and spends her time training and consulting with mental health programs in the United States and internationally.  She is the associate director of the Services Division of the Center, which develops, delivers, and evaluates innovative services for people with psychiatric disabilities. She has developed many training programs and courses for mental health professionals and people who use mental health services. Since 1994, Dr. Gagne has taught the course, Rehabilitation of Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities, at Boston University.

Zlatka Russinova bio image

Zlatka Russinova, PhD

Dr. Russinova is the Director of Research at the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the Boston University Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. She has directed several research projects exploring diverse aspects of recovery from psychiatric disabilities, including examining the patterns and determinants of vocational recovery, the role of spirituality and alternative therapies, and the measurement of mental health practitioners’ recovery-promoting competence. She has also pioneered a novel approach of using Photovoice methodology as part of psychosocial interventions targeting the reduction of personal stigma, community participation and vocational empowerment.

Philippe Bloch bio image

Philippe Bloch, MEd

Mr. Bloch is a Senior Research Coordinator at the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University. As an almost 20-year member of the Research Division, he assists Principal Investigators with study management tasks that include a wide range of responsibilities. Mr. Bloch has helped develop curricula that have served as the primary intervention for a number of studies. Specific areas of interest include prejudice and discrimination related to mental illness, vocational recovery, empowerment of marginalized populations, and the photovoice participatory action methodology. Mr. Bloch considers principles of human rights, civil liberties, and social justice to be the foundational basis for his work in the field.

Sharon Prichett

Tracy Woods, BA

Ms. Woods is a Massachusetts Certified Peer Specialist and has contributed as both a student and an instructor at the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation’s Recovery Education Program since 2007. In her capacity as a peer instructor, Tracy has taught wellness classes related to substance free lifestyle, mindful eating, and recovery as a way of life. Tracy also has developed her knowledge and expertise in the area of stigma and discrimination through teaching Photovoice, an intervention that focuses on combating ignorance, prejudice, and discrimination. Using a newly developed curriculum, Vocational Empowerment Photovoice, Tracy has both taught and supported the delivery of this intervention as a research demonstration project. Tracy also contributes to the Center’s research endeavors via qualitative coding and data analysis. Tracy received her BA from Monmouth College and has attained continuing education in mathematics and electronics from the Lowell Institute School, Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies.

Debbie Nicolellis photo

Debbie Nicolellis, MS

Ms. Nicolellis, served as Program Manager at the Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation. She directed the Certificate Program in Psychiatric Vocational Rehabilitation, an award-winning training program for vocational rehabilitation professionals, and the Vocational Peer Support Training Project, a federally-funded curriculum designed to train peer support specialists in supporting vocational recovery. Debbie began her work with the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation as Supported Education and Employment Specialist in 1989. Since 1997, she has focused on enhancing the competencies and conceptual knowledge of mental health, rehabilitation, and peer support personnel in psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery-oriented services throughout the country and abroad. Debbie specializes in the Psychiatric Vocational Rehabilitation process, Social Security Work Incentives, Readiness Assessment and Development, Employment Support, Vocational Peer Support, and enhancing partnerships with people with psychiatric disabilities. Debbie has authored several curricula, book chapters, and articles in Psychiatric Rehabilitation.


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