Readings in Psychiatric Rehabilitation
William A. Anthony and LeRoy Spaniol; Ruth Hughes (Forward)

Book (PDF)
Was: $34.95
Readings in Psychiatric Rehabilitation
William A. Anthony and LeRoy Spaniol; Ruth Hughes (Forward)
Was: $34.95
Recommended for educators, researchers, and advocates—anyone interested in understanding and serving the needs of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Valuable resource for staff development and for classroom use in courses in rehabilitation counseling, psychology, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, and social work.
Readings in Psychiatric Rehabilitation was conceived and organized as a supplemental book of readings to further explore the concepts, philosophy, and practices presented by Anthony, Cohen, and Farkas in Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
It is an excellent resource for students of psychiatric rehabilitation, professionals, consumers, and advocates—or for anyone interested in understanding the needs of persons with psychiatric disabilities. From consumer choice and consumer involvement to managed care, from CSP to ADA, from supported housing to supported employment to supported education, from PACT models to clubhouse models, from technology to a vision of recovery; this volume presents a coherent overview and synthesis of the current field of psychiatric rehabilitation.
Citation: Anthony, W. A., & Spaniol, L. (Eds). (1994). Readings in psychiatric rehabilitation. Boston, MA: Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Product Details
PDF file: 538 pages
Published: 1994
ISBN: 978-1-878512-24-6
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Field
Chapter 2: An Introduction to Psychiatric Rehabilitation Research
Chapter 3: Psychiatric Rehabilitation Philosophy, Process, and Technology
Chapter 4: Implementing the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Approach in Vocational, Residential, Educational, and Social Settings
Chapter 5: Psychiatric Rehabilitation Personnel
Chapter 6: Psychiatric Rehabilitation Programs
Chapter 7: Psychiatric Rehabilitation Systems
Chapter 8: Changing Toward the Future
Click here to read a review from the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
Mize, T. (1995). Book review: Readings in psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 19(2), 87-88.