Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Second Edition
William A. Anthony, Mikal Cohen, Marianne Farkas, and Cheryl Gagne; Courtenay Harding (Forward)

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Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Second Edition
William A. Anthony, Mikal Cohen, Marianne Farkas, and Cheryl Gagne; Courtenay Harding (Forward)
Was: $79.95
Recommended for educators, researchers, and advocates—anyone interested in understanding and serving the needs of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Valuable resource for staff development and for classroom use in courses in rehabilitation counseling, psychology, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, and social work.
It has been over a couple of decades since the first edition of Psychiatric Rehabilitation was published. During this time, the field of psychiatric rehabilitation has become an accepted field of practice and study. Every state in the United States and numerous countries now recognize psychiatric rehabilitation as an important component of an array of services designed to help people with severe mental illnesses recover.
The psychiatric rehabilitation field has expanded dramatically in the 1990s and the beginning of this century. Relatively new concepts, such as supported education, recovery, peer support, etc., are now an accepted part of the field’s lexicon. Hundreds of recent journal articles address issues of relevance to psychiatric rehabilitation. These newer concepts and articles are all included in this second edition of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. It examines the historical, conceptual, and empirical base of psychiatric rehabilitation, and it offers a vision for the future.
Highlighted is the technology of psychiatric rehabilitation, which permits the comprehensive training of practitioners, the evaluation of practice, the development and replication of programs, and the integration of a comprehensive psychiatric rehabilitation approach into mental health service systems.
Citation: Anthony, W. A., Cohen, M., Farkas, M, & Gagne, C. (2002). Psychiatric rehabilitation, 2nd edition. Boston, MA: Boston University, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Product Details
PDF file: 432 pages
Published: 2002
ISBN: 978-1-878512-11-6
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Review of the Research: Historical Myths
Chapter 3: An Overview of the Research: Current Realities
Chapter 4: Philosophy
Chapter 5: Process and Technology
Chapter 6: Diagnoses
Chapter 7: Plans and Interventions
Chapter 8: Personnel
Chapter 9: Programs
Chapter 10: Service Systems
Chapter 11: Technology for Change
Chapter 12: Leadership for Change
Chapter 13: Vision of the Future
Awarded the 2003 Ken Book Award by NAMI-New York Metro for providing a deeper, more meaningful understanding of mental illness.
…Anthony and his colleagues have for many years provided a beacon of humane rationality for the rest of us in community mental health. This book…will stand as another welcome gift from a wise public health servant…
Robert Drake, MD, PhD, Andrew Thomson Professor of Psychiatry and Community and Family Medicine, New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
…A tour de force in psychiatric rehabilitation…This is a critical resource for contemporary care systems.
David Shern, PhD, Dean, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida
…Anthony has tirelessly championed the fundamental rehab approach of consumer choice plus skills and supports…This book is a powerful statement of that fundamental approach…
Ed Knight, PhD, Vice President for Recovery, Rehabilitation and Mutual Support, ValueOptions
…[This book] touches upon issues extremely relevant to public mental health, and quite close to WHO’s current concerns and activities.
Benedetto Saraceno, MD, Director, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, World Health Organization
…At last, a book about psychiatric rehabilitation that is both complete and concise. This is the single text that we have been waiting for to train staff, consumers, and families about psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery.
Moe Armstrong, MBA, MA, National NAMI Board of Directors, Co-founder of the Peer Educators Project