Below you will find a curated listing of available online employment training from various organizations.
*If you are interested in training topics relating to healthy aging, click here.
Title | Description | Areas of Focus | hf:tax:product_and_resource_topics |
Individual Placement and Support Training Series: Competitive, Integrated Employment for People with Serious Mental Illness | The goal of this three part series is to expand the knowledge of Vocational Rehabilitation counselors on Individual Placement and Support (IPS). This series covers what IPS is, how to build relationships to support service delivery, and how to develop an IPS program. Each webinar in this series is roughly 40 minutes long. | Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | ips employment-training-categories |
How to Include Family Members in the Employment Plan | This webinar is part of the IPS and Wellness Webinar Series created by the IPS Employment Center, targeting employment specialists, supervisors, Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, and mental health treatment providers. Presented by Family Advocates for IPS, this webinar shares perspectives from family members and family advocates on the importance of family involvement in the employment process. Further, an IPS supervisor advises on strategies for when, how, and why to involve family members in this process. Finally, an individual with lived experience shares her story of how her family was involved in her return to work and her road to becoming an IPS trainer. | Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | ips employment-training-categories |
How to Build Relationships with IPS Job Seekers, Workers, and Students | This webinar is part of the IPS and Wellness Webinar Series created by the IPS Employment Center, targeting employment specialists, supervisors, Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, and mental health treatment providers. The goal of this webinar is to support the relationship building skills of those engaging with job seekers with psychiatric disabilities. Specifically, engagement, active listening, building trust, inspiring hope, mutual relationships, and vulnerability are reviewed. | Education | education employment-training-categories |
Co-Occurring Disorders: Comprehensive Treatment and Outcomes | This webinar is part of the IPS and Wellness Webinar Series created by the IPS Employment Center, targeting employment specialists, supervisors, Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, and mental health treatment providers. This webinar focuses on providing comprehensive treatment for individuals with psychiatric disabilities with co-occurring disorders. While discussing the importance of integrated treatment, this webinar highlights the importance of employment in the recovery process. In addition to the discussion of the importance of employment, the results of a small sample on comprehensive care outcomes are shared showing an increase in education and employment among participants. | Education | education employment-training-categories |
Engaging and Re-Engaging and Re-Engaging | This webinar is part of the IPS and Wellness Webinar Series created by the IPS Employment Center, targeting employment specialists, supervisors, Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, and mental health treatment providers. This training discusses barriers to change and engagement, as well as strategies for encouraging clients to utilize services who are facing challenges with engagement. Specifically, presenter Gary Morse discusses the principles of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and strategies for implementing MI into your service delivery. | Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | ips employment-training-categories |
Supporting People in Recovery to Access and Engage in Education | Speakers with lived experience of serious mental health conditions and substance use disorders share their stories, and also advice on how to best support individuals seeking education. Regardless of level of education, returning to school can be a valuable experience for individuals in recovery and may allow for engagement in meaningful employment. | Education | education employment-training-categories |
Serious Career Development for Youth with Serious Mental Health Conditions | This course highlights barriers to school and work for young adults with serious mental health conditions. By applying a Stages of Change framework, and encouraging collaboration, this webinar aims to educate helping professionals on the importance of work and education for building resilience and promoting the recovery of their clients. This 90-minute course ranges from $35-$55. | Education, Young Adults | education young-adults employment-training-categories |
Working with Specific Populations | This four-course bundle from the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMASS Boston provides employment providers and employment-service professionals with informative lessons on employment for individuals with disabilities. The course bundle costs $175. The courses included are Transition: Preparing for a Seamless Move from School to Adult Life; Employment Services for People with Mental Health Disabilities; Employment for People with Disabilities and Criminal Histories; and Employment Services for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum. | Bias Reduction, Education, Incarceration, Young Adults | bias-reduction education incarceration young-adults employment-training-categories |
Advanced Skills in Supported Employment Webinar Series, Session 3: Supporting Individuals in Moving Beyond Entry Level Positions | Providers working in vocational rehabilitation may support individuals to identify employment opportunities, but may also support their clients to maintain and advance in their chosen field. Presenters discuss strategies for career advancement such as requesting a promotion or pay increase. Also discussed are strategies for moving beyond entry-level roles such as seeking additional education or training, building social capital, and asking for a job change. | Education, Finances | education finances employment-training-categories |
Advanced Skills in Supported Employment Webinar Series, Session 2: A Strengths-Based Approach to Assisting Job Seekers with Addressing Gaps in Employment | The second installation of this webinar series focuses on educating supported employment specialists on what to do when working with individuals who may have gaps in their employment histories. Presenters provide instruction on how to help job seekers complete resumes that best address these gaps for employers. | Bias Reduction, Disclosure | bias-reduction disclosure employment-training-categories |
Advanced Skills in Supported Employment Webinar Series, Session 1: Inclusive Work Cultures – Assessing for Fit | The culture existing in a workplace is an important factor for job seekers to consider. This webinar aims to educate providers of vocational rehabilitation services on how to assess workplace culture to ensure that job placements best fit the needs of the individuals they work with. | Accommodations, Bias Reduction, Ethics | accommodations bias-reduction ethics employment-training-categories |
Job Development: Building Skills to Connect with the Business Community, Session 1: Approaching Employers: Introducing Yourself and Your Employment Services | Developing relationships with businesses and employers can be an important component of job development for individuals working in employment services. The first installation of the three-part series on Building Skills to Connect with the Business Community instructs on how to craft an elevator pitch of your services, language use, and how to respond to tough employer questions. The goal of this series is to support employment-focused human service professionals to market themselves confidently and to create and maintain business relationships. | Workforce Development | workforce-development employment-training-categories |
Pathways to Self Sufficiency: Career & Technical Education for Youth with Emotional Disturbances | This webinar provides information and resources for those providing services for young adults with mental health conditions in school settings. Based on findings that Career and Technical Education (CTE) promotes positive employment and post-secondary outcomes, presenters guide you through the implementation of CTE in education transition planning for this population. Also discussed are legislative contexts, research findings, and strategies for mitigating barriers for students who may benefit from CTE. | Employers, Workforce Development | employers workforce-development employment-training-categories |
Empowering Self-Determination: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Transition and Employment Services | The third and final installation of the Ethics in Action training series highlights ethical decision-making techniques when faced with dilemmas that may occur when attempting to balance professional pressures and client autonomy. Specifically discussed is the difference between ethical violations and ethical dilemmas, ethical decision-making techniques using case studies, ensuring an ethical workplace culture is in place, and the importance of self-care and consultation when navigating tricky situations. | Bias Reduction, Ethics, Workforce Development | bias-reduction ethics workforce-development employment-training-categories |
Using a Cross-Cultural Compass: Considering Ethics Across Multiple Identities | The second session of this Ethics in Action training series focuses on going back to the basics of providing valuable and ethical employment services. Learning objectives for this session include understanding the impact of biases, cultural competency, establishing local partnerships, and the cultural competency components of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) Code of Professional Ethics. | Bias Reduction, Ethics, Workforce Development | bias-reduction ethics workforce-development employment-training-categories |
Ethics in Action: Elevating Transition and Employment Services | The first installment of this three-part training series explores the ethics and values of employment service professionals. This session specifically focuses on person-centered concepts of supported and customized employment, ethical principles of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) and the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE), and strategies to ensure you are maintaining a values-driven ethical lens. | Ethics, Workforce Development | ethics workforce-development employment-training-categories |
Peer Supervision | When providing supervision for peer providers, preparation and informed management tactics are vital for the effective provision of peer services to positively impact individuals with serious mental health conditions (SMHC) in the workplace. This training is intended to equip supervisors, with and without lived experience of psychiatric disability, with a solid foundation for peer supervision. | Employers, Peer Support Specialists, Supervision | employers peer-support supervision employment-training-categories |
Peers as Professionals: Workplace Success | This training guides peer support specialists through discussions on ethics, feeling valued in the workplace, teamwork, advocating for the importance of peer support, communication, and maintaining core values. This pre-recorded presentation is valuable for peer providers, peer volunteers, employers, and supervisors. | Employers, Peer Support Specialists, Supervision | employers peer-support supervision employment-training-categories |
Workforce Development: Advocating for Peer Support Specialist Positions | This self-paced training provides education for peer support specialists who want to help expand the presence of the profession in the healthcare field. This recording offers tools to share the importance of peer support and to continue developing the workforce. | Peer Support Specialists | peer-support employment-training-categories |
Consumers with Lived Experience: Critical Partners in the Mental Health System of Care | This self-paced training course provides education for employers and business leaders on steps to integrating individuals with lived experience into the workforce as peer specialists. Integrating the consumer voice into the workplace provides many benefits, which are discussed by the host along with training, employment law, accommodations, how to increase retention rates, and preventing bias. | Accommodations, Bias Reduction, Employers, Peer Support Specialists | accommodations bias-reduction employers peer-support employment-training-categories |
Online IPS Practitioner Skills Course | This course provides education on how to implement Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services to best support individuals with employment goals. This course costs $365 and is an interactive way to learn the ropes of IPS while receiving feedback and having the chance to ask questions. The course can be completed on your schedule, with each module consisting of 30-40 minutes of computer work, real-world implementation throughout the work week, and written reflections. | Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | ips employment-training-categories |
Learn How to Apply the 5 Stages of Recovery in IPS Supported Employment | The Illinois Division of Mental Health IPS Trainers discusses the five stages of recovery that can be incorporated into Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Supported Employment. Presenters discuss the roles of the Illinois Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS) and Certified Recovery Support Specialist with an Employment Endorsement (CRSS-E) in vocational rehabilitation for adults with serious mental health challenges (SMHC). | Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | ips employment-training-categories |
Understanding Health Disparities and Equity in IPS Supported Employment | The Illinois IPS Initiative presents a webinar on the stigma that individuals with psychiatric disabilities seeking employment often face, and the role that Individual Placement and Support (IPS) providers play in promoting equity. Discussing cultural competencies, this fifteen-minute webinar is important for educating IPS providers. | Bias Reduction, Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | bias-reduction ips employment-training-categories |
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) for Veterans | This webinar targets employment specialists working or training to work with veterans of the U.S. military entering Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services who are seeking employment. The Illinois Supported Employment Transformation Initiative guides this webinar to support providers working with this population of adults with serious mental health challenges (SMHC). | Individual Placement and Support (IPS), Veterans | ips veterans employment-training-categories |
Learn How to Offer “Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery” (NEW-R) In Your IPS Program | This webinar highlights the Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery (NEW-R) program and how it may be implemented into Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services. Further, this recording discusses the role of obesity in mental health recovery as well as the job-seeking process, and how providers may encourage physical health to improve mental health. | Bias Reduction, Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | bias-reduction ips employment-training-categories |
Developing Career Profiles | A career profile is a core element of the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) process, and this webinar discusses its importance in supporting individuals’ journey to meaningful employment. This webinar walks providers through the development of a client-centered and culturally competent career profile. | Bias Reduction, Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | bias-reduction ips employment-training-categories |
IPS Fidelity 101 | This recording provides an overview of fidelity in Individual Placement and Support (IPS), while also sharing what individuals providing IPS services need to know to prepare for an IPS fidelity review. | Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | ips employment-training-categories |
Client Engagement | The Illinois Support Employment Transformation Initiative presents this webinar on engaging clients in Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services. This brief webinar discusses signs of disengagement and the role that motivational interviewing can play in re-engaging clients with their work. | Individual Placement and Support (IPS), Motivational Interviewing | ips motivational-interviewing employment-training-categories |
What is IPS Supported Employment? | The Illinois IPS Initiative presents a webinar on the evidence-based practice of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Supported Employment. Discussed are the eight principles of IPS and how they can be implemented in the process of mental health recovery. | Individual Placement and Support (IPS) | ips employment-training-categories |
Mind Share Partners | This is a recurring webinar series that gives HR, People, Culture, and D&I leaders an introduction to developing a mental health strategy for their company and an opportunity to learn more about Mind Share Partners. Each webinar will include a 30-minute presentation as well as 15 minutes for Q&A. The content of the presentation will remain consistent over time to support the growing number of organizations that are starting their mental health strategy each quarter. | Employers | employers employment-training-categories |
Enhancing Skills for Peer Support Providers | Presenters discuss the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the role that educators and employment specialists play in transmitting information on the act to young adults entering postsecondary life. The pair discusses accommodations, existing policies, conversations with employers, and disclosure. | Peer Support Specialists, Young Adults | peer-support young-adults employment-training-categories |
Supervision of Peers and Other Lived-Experience Professionals | This $15 webinar provides an overview of what to expect when supervising individuals with lived experiences of serious mental health challenges (SMHC) working as peer support specialists. Lived-experience professionals can bring support to addiction counseling, mental health counseling, marriage and family therapy, psychology, and social work settings, and their supervisors must be prepared for their integration into the workplace. | Employers, Peer Support Specialists | employers peer-support employment-training-categories |
Straight Talk About the ADA for Special Educators and Employment Specialists | Presenters discuss the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the role that educators and employment specialists play in transmitting information on the act to young adults entering postsecondary life. The pair discusses accommodations, existing policies, conversations with employers, and disclosure. | Accommodations, Disclosure, Education, Employers, Policy | accommodations disclosure education employers policy employment-training-categories |
Empowering Clients with Mental Health Diagnosis: The Vital Role of Tax Preparation | This webinar highlights financial and mental wellbeing by exploring the impact that free education on tax preparation can have for the financial well-being of adults with serious mental health challenges (SMHC). The National Disability Institute reminds providers in this webinar of the importance of financial wellbeing in recovery. | Education, Finances | education finances employment-training-categories |
REI Network Webinar: Motivational Interviewing | The National Disability Institute delivers this hour-long webinar on the impact that motivational interviewing can have on individuals’ with serious mental health challenges (SMHC) finances. The counseling style of motivational interviewing allows providers to create a safe, non-judgemental, environment through open-ended questioning and the use of positive reinforcements. | Finances, Motivational Interviewing | finances motivational-interviewing employment-training-categories |
Employing Young Adult Peer Workers | The Learning & Working During the Transition to Adulthood Rehabilitation Research & Training Center provides a toolkit for effectively employing young adult peer providers. The toolkit discusses an overview of young adults in this role, hiring and training, supervision, and ensuring there is a culture of support in place in your organization. | Employers, Young Adults | employers young-adults employment-training-categories |
Going Virtual: How 3 Young Adult Focused Services Pivoted to Virtual Platforms in 2020 | Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many school and work programs embrace a new virtual space. This 90-minute webinar provides key takeaways from three different programs providing services for young adults with psychiatric disabilities on a virtual platform. Peer coaching and peer supervision at Boston University, Helping Youth on the Path to Employment (HYPE), and the Virtual Best-Practice Guide for Youth and Young Adult Community Mental Health Providers from Thresholds Youth & Young Adult Services are highlighted in this webinar. | Technology, Young Adults | technology young-adults employment-training-categories |
Navigating School and Work With a Serious Mental Health Condition | The Collecting Histories of Education and Employment during Recovery (CHEER) study within The Learning and Working Center focuses on the experiences and challenges of young adults with serious mental health conditions (SMHC). 25-30-year-olds with psychiatric disabilities were interviewed for this study and asked to describe their education, training, and employment histories, with key findings being reported in this webinar. Helpful aspects of school and work such as flexibility and support are identified by presenters and are important for those working with young adults with SMHC to support their educational and career goals. | Education, Young Adults | education young-adults employment-training-categories |
Adapting IPS for Young Adults: The Thresholds Study | This webinar provides an overview of the Thresholds Study, Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model adaptations, study results, challenges and lessons learned, and future steps to be taken to encourage successful education and employment for young adults with psychiatric disabilities. | Education, Individual Placement and Support (IPS), Young Adults | education ips young-adults employment-training-categories |
Effective Clinical Supervision for Young Adult Therapeutic Peer Mentors, Part 2 | The second installment of this webinar series for supervisors of young adult therapeutic peer mentors elaborates on the skills necessary to be an effective clinical supervisor. Topics highlighted include relational boundaries, building psychological capital, understanding differences between clients and mentors, accommodations in the workplace, how to evaluate success, and the benefits of being a clinical supervisor. | Young Adults | young-adults employment-training-categories |
Effective Clinical Supervision for Young Adult Therapeutic Peer Mentors, Part 1 | The goal of this webinar is to increase the competency of clinical supervisors of young adult therapeutic peer mentors. Young adult development and recovery, how to engage young adults, how to identify and hire for these roles, and how to support and encourage the success of those you supervise are all primary topics. | Young Adults | young-adults employment-training-categories |
Transition Age Youth Launching Realized Dreams (TAYLRD): Employment and Education Supports for Young Adults with Behavioral Health Issues | How does IPS need to be adapted for young adults? This webinar highlights employment and education support for young adults with psychiatric disabilities and differences in support needs from older adults while seeking and maintaining employment. Trends in substance use, functional differences between young and older adults, developing a career focus through human capital, career planning, and life skill development for the workplace are all topics discussed to educate individuals working with young adults with psychiatric disabilities seeking employment. | Education, Individual Placement and Support (IPS), Young Adults | education ips young-adults employment-training-categories |
Job Accommodations for Persons with Mental Health Conditions Webinar | The Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) share accommodations typically used by individuals with serious mental health conditions (SMHC) and their employers to support workplace success. Sharing qualitative and quantitative research findings, presenters discuss workplace practices that may make an impact on employers. | Accommodations, Employers | accommodations employers employment-training-categories |
Preparing Your Workplace for Peer Integration | Peer specialists provide great value to the workplace, but first employers must integrate them into employment spaces. This Mental Health America webinar supports how organizational leadership can prepare for the integration of peer specialists by describing risk avoidance, success checklists, common myths, and how to be recovery-oriented. | Employers, Peer Support Specialists | employers peer-support employment-training-categories |
Enriching the Vocational Workforce by Involving Peers in the Delivery of IPS-Supported Employment | In this one-hour webinar, the research on IPS-supported employment is discussed and how this evidence-based practice can be integrated to support wellness and employee engagement. Specifically highlighted are the SAMHSA IPS Toolkit and the Physical Wellness for Work resource. | Individual Placement and Support (IPS), Peer Support Specialists | ips peer-support employment-training-categories |
Managing Mental Health Disabilities in the Workplace Webinar | Employment attorneys discuss applicant and employee rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act and share how employers can support employees with psychiatric disabilities. This webinar discusses reasonable accommodations in the workplace, as well as how to appropriately discuss an employee’s mental health. | Accommodations, Employers | accommodations employers employment-training-categories |
The Elephant In the Room: A Discussion About Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities in the Workplace | Educating working individuals with serious mental health conditions (SMHC) on the Americans with Disabilities Act, communicating with employers, bridging gaps between employees and employers, and addressing workplace stigma surrounding psychiatric disabilities are all roles of supported employment professionals. This webinar, delivered by an individual with lived experience of psychiatric disability from Utah State University, discusses supported employment professionals’ role in disability disclosure and reasonable accommodations on the job. | Accommodations, Bias Reduction, Disclosure | accommodations bias-reduction disclosure employment-training-categories |
Mental Health Literacy for Employment Support Professionals | This webinar, produced by Utah State University, provides an overview of mental health literacy and its importance for implementation in the profession of employment support. There is also an introduction to the content covered within the University’s Mental Health Awareness and Advocacy for Employment Support Professionals curriculum. | Bias Reduction | bias-reduction employment-training-categories |
SOAR Webinar: Yes, You Can Work! Working While Applying for and Receiving SSA Benefits | This webinar discussion surrounds the SOAR (SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery) TA Center’s Yes You Can Work flyer, which guides providers in their discussions of the benefits of work with those applying for and receiving SSA benefits. SOAR providers also share experiences with implementing SOAR and community employment supports, citing the SSA’s Working While Disabled Pamphlet, Yes, You Can Work! Infographic, and SOAR Employment Conversation Guide. | SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) | soar employment-training-categories |
Equity in Action: Leveraging SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance to Improve Systems | This 2022 SAMHSA SOAR (SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery) TA Center webinar addresses trainings, resources, and tools for increasing equity and reducing implicit biases in SOAR implementation. Presenters discuss how race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, and involvement in the criminal justice system may impact one’s access to SOAR programs and existing tools to promote equitable inclusion in employment and housing services. | Bias Reduction, Homelessness, Incarceration, SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) | bias-reduction homelessness incarceration soar employment-training-categories |
SOAR Webinar: SOARing to Employment with SSA Work Incentives and Benefits Planning | This SAMHSA SOAR TA Center webinar features a SOAR (SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery) provider’s experience delivering community employment support as well as delivering information on SSA work incentives and employment resources. The discussion also surrounds common myths relating to working while going through the SSA benefit process. Employment-related tools and resources, including the 2020 Issue Brief, “SOAR and Employment for SSI/SSDI Beneficiaries” are shared throughout the presentation. | Benefits, SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) | benefits soar employment-training-categories |
SOAR Webinar: How Working is Promoting Recovery for People with Mental Illness | Presenters discuss the importance of Peer Support Specialists’ lived experiences in SOAR (SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery) programs to support the recovery process of others with psychiatric disabilities through gaining employment, financial stability, and benefits. Panelists share their experiences working as peer staff to help others develop best practices for implementing Peer Support Services in SOAR programs. | Homelessness, Individual Placement and Support (IPS), SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) | homelessness ips soar employment-training-categories |
SOAR Webinar: Peer Support Specialists: A critical Component for SOAR Programs | Presenters discuss the importance of Peer Support Specialists’ lived experiences in SOAR (SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery) programs to support the recovery process of others with psychiatric disabilities through gaining employment, financial stability, and benefits. Panelists share their experiences working as peer staff to help others develop best practices for implementing Peer Support Services in SOAR programs. | Benefits, Finances, Peer Support Specialists, SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) | benefits finances peer-support soar employment-training-categories |
SOAR Webinar: SOAR and Criminal Justice System Implementation | Highlighting the intersection of serious mental health conditions (SMHC), homelessness, and incarceration this webinar discusses the integration of SOAR (SSI/SSDI – Opportunities to Access Resources for successful reentry) programming specifically for those involved in the justice system into service offerings. Presenters express the role of SOAR in increasing post-incarceration success for individuals with psychiatric disabilities reentering their communities. | Benefits, Homelessness, Incarceration | benefits homelessness incarceration employment-training-categories |
SOAR Webinar: Employment Supports and Benefits Planning for SOAR Beneficiaries | This SAMHSA webinar highlights the importance of employment for individuals with serious mental health conditions (SMHC) who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness. Highlighting the federal SOAR (SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery) program, this webinar explores access to SSI/SSDI benefits and Individual Placement and Support (IPS) as steps to recovery and gaining meaningful employment. Presenters discuss strategies for implementing vocational and benefit planning into agency SOAR initiatives. | Benefits, Homelessness, Individual Placement and Support (IPS), SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) | benefits homelessness ips soar employment-training-categories |
Notice: This resource is funded under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90RTEM0004). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The statements made during the event do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, or HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.