Boston University Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Boston University Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Monographs, Reports, Booklets

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Monographs, Reports, Booklets


Learn about and freely distribute information related to key topics in psychiatric rehabilitation.

Boston University and The Ruderman Family Foundation Release a First-of-its-Kind Set of Manuals on Best Practices for College Student Leave of Absence Policies

Separate guides — one for students and another for campus leaders, faculty, and staff — come as the COVID-19 pandemic creates an unprecedented mental health crisis for students


Student Guide PDF


Administrator, Faculty & Staff PDF



Executive Summary: State of the Science Meeting on Policy and Employment for individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities – 2013

This document describes proceedings of the Center’s “State-of-the-Science” meeting in 2013 on employment policy. With experts in the field, we explored the challenges to obtaining and retaining employment among individuals with psychiatric conditions and the policy strategies that are needed to improve their work outcomes.


Let’s Talk Employment: A Guide for Family Members of Individuals in Mental Health Recovery


BookCover-LetsTalkEmploymentA new resource for families who wish to support their family member in getting and keeping employment.






Through the Seasons


This book of poems chronicles one person’s day-to-day life as he finds and creates his own path of recovery from mental illness. Written and illustrated by consumer advocate, Moe Armstrong, these poems offer an intimate portrait of some seven months of his life.

We learn about those things that offer him solace: his love of music and nature, his writing and his drawing, meditation and prayer. We learn what gives him hope and strength: his work and the people in his life-old friends, new friends, the homeless person he just met on the street. We learn about his struggle of living with schizophrenia: the losses, the insomnia, the fears, the raging thoughts inside his head.

He shares his insights and observations of his life in Boston, his travels to the nation’s capitol, to Las Vegas, to Cuba. He shares his memories of his family, of Vietnam, of lost relationships and lost friends.

Moe can see the pain and injustice in the world because he experiences it. But he also sees the joy and beauty; and he has found a way to create a whole and satisfying life for himself while reaching out and supporting others struggling to do the same.

These poems exude Moe’s wit and his grace. They will leave you with a new appreciation for the challenges that people who experience mental illness face daily, and a profound respect for the power and resilience of the human spirit.

Citation: Armstrong, M. (2000). Through the seasons: Poems and illustrations by Moe Armstrong. Boston, MA: Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.


Guía del Modelo de Rehabilitación Vocacional: Elegir–Conseguir–Retener


Guía del modelo de rehabilitación vocacional: Elegir-conseguir-retener is the Spanish edition of the Choose-Get-Keep Guide to Vocational Rehabilitation. The Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation joined with the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission under a community action grant to develop concensus to adapt the choose-get-keep model of vocational rehabilitation for the Latino community.

Citation: Restrepo-Toro, M. E., & Spaniol, L. (2002). Guía del modelo de rehabilitación vocacional: Elegir-conseguir-retener. Boston, MA: Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.