What Accommodations Work on the Job?
For employees with psychiatric or mental health conditions, reasonable accommodations might include adaptations in the way work is assigned and scheduled, the use of auxiliary equipment and support staff, and modifications to the physical workspace. You will need to negotiate, select, and arrange whatever accommodations you need by working closely with your supervisor and a human resources department (if available in your workplace). Here are some possible accommodations to consider:
Restructuring your job:
Having minor job duties eliminated. For example, assigning “fill-in” duties to another employee frees you to focus on your primary responsibilities
Flexible scheduling:
Changing the start or end of the workday to accommodate side effects of medication, working part-time, taking more frequent breaks, taking time off for therapy appointments
Flexible leave:
Being able to use sick leave for mental health reasons or take an extended leave without pay due to hospitalization
Specialized equipment & assistive devices:
Receiving daily instructions via e-mail instead of verbally
Modifying work sites:
Installing wall partitions around workstation to minimize distractions
A job coach or mentor:
Help in arranging interviews, completing job applications, and providing support and training on the job
Changes in training and supervision:
Allowing extra time to learn job tasks
NOTE: The information contained in these pages is for educational purposes only, and is not legal advice. Individuals should contact the appropriate legal resources for specific legal advice regarding their particular situations.