Boston University Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Boston University Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation


Please note that the publications below may not be available via the open web. If you would like to read one of these articles, please contact your local library.

Thinking About Work: The Value of Work

Bell, Morris D., Lysaker, Paul H., and Milstein, Robert M. Clinical Benefits of Paid Work Activity in Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Bulletin 22.1 (1996).

Bond, Gary, Resnick, Sandra, Drake, Robert, Xie, Haiyi, McHugo, Gregory. “Does Competitive Employment Improve Non-vocational Outcomes for People with Severe Mental Illness,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 69.3 (2001) 489-501.

Bush, PW ; Drake, R E ; Xie, H ; Mchugo, GJ ; Haslett, W., McFarlane, WR (2009). The long-term impact of employment on mental health service use and costs for persons with severe mental illness. Psychiatric Services. Washington, D.C. Vol.60(8), pp.1024-31.

Deegan, PE. (1996) ‘Recovery as a journey of the heart’. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 91–97.

Dunn, Erin, Wewiorski, Nancy, Rogers, Sally. “The Meaning and Importance of Employment to People in Recovery from Serious Mental Illness: Results of a Qualitative Study,” Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 32.1 (2008) 59-62.

Goldenberg,H & Goldenberg, II. (2008) Family Therapy and Overview. 7th Edition. Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA.

Harding CM, Strauss JS, Hafez H, Liberman PB (1988) Work and mental illness I. Toward an integration of the rehabilitation process. J Nerv Ment Dis 175:317-32

Hoffman, Holger, et al. Long Term Effectiveness of Supported Employment: 5-Year Follow Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Psychiatry: November 2014. 171.11. 1183-1190.

McCrory, D.J., Connolly, P.S., Hanson-Mayer, T.P. et al (1980) The Rehabilitation Crisis: The Impact of Growth. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling 11: 138-139.

Miller, Leonard, et al. Modeling the MORS 6 Practice of Recovery at the Village. (March 23, 2009). Unpublished paper.

Mitchell, T. & Daniels, D (2003). “Motivation”. In Walter C. Borman, Daniel R. Ilgen, Richard J.Klimoski. Handbook of Psychology (volume 12). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 229.

Mueser, K; Becker, D., Torrey, W., Xie, H, Bond, G, Drake, W., Dain, B (1997) Work and Nonvocational Domains of Functioning in Persons with Severe Mental Illness: A Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol 165.

Mueser, K; Gingerich, S. (2006) Family Guide to Schizophrenia. Guildford Press. New York.

Provencher, H.L, Gregg, R., Mead, S. and Mueser, K.T. et al (2002) The Role of Work in the Recovery of Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Vol.26(2),132-143.

Thinking About Work: Hope for Success

McCrory, D.J., Connolly, P.S., Hanson-Mayer, T.P. et al (1980) The Rehabilitation Crisis: The Impact of Growth. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling 11: 138-139.

Maddi, S. R. (2013). Springer briefs in psychology. Hardiness: Turning stressful circumstances into resilient growth. Springer Science + Business Media.

Robles, J. 2012. Executive Perceptions of the Top 10 Soft Skills Needed in Today’s Workplace. Business Communication Quarterly 75(4) 453–465. Association for Business Communication. DOI: 10.1177/1080569912460400

Thinking About Work: Starting the Conversation

Drebing, C. Rose. G, Davis, L, Glynn, S., Resnick, S., Rosenheck, R.. Drake, R., Toscano, R., Penk, W. (Jan 2016) Supported Employment: Motivational Enhancement for Entry and Outcome. Research Update, Applying Findings to Practice. Unpublished. VA in Bedford MA.

Rapp, C; Goscha, R. (2012) The Strengths Model. A Recovery-Oriented Approach to Mental Health Services. Third Edition. Oxford Press. New York.

Finding a Path to Employment: The Importance of Choice

Deegan, P.E. (2001). Recovery as a Self-Directed Process of Healing and Transformation. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Journal of Psychosocial Practice & Research, 17, 5-21.

Ellison, M. L., Russinova, Z., Lyass, A., & Rogers, E. S. (2008).Professionals and Managers With Severe Mental Illness: Findings From a National Survey. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(3), 179-189.

Woolis, R., 2003. When Someone You Love Has a Mental Illness. A Handbook for Family, Friends and Caregivers. Penguin Group, New York

Achieving Employment Goals: Partnering with Providers

Drebing, C. Rose. G, Davis, L, Glynn, S., Resnick, S., Rosenheck, R.. Drake, R., Toscano, R., Penk, W. ( Jan. 2016) Supported Employment: Motivational Enhancement for Entry and Outcome. Research Update, Applying Findings to Practice. Unpublished. VA in Bedford MA

Achieve Employment Goals: Overall Family Recovery

Farkas, M. (2015) Families in Recovery, presentation, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Spaniol, L. (2010) The Pain and the Possibility: The Family Recovery Process. Community Mental Health Journal. Volume 46, Issue 5, pp 482-485.