The Recovery Workbook 2: Connectedness
LeRoy Spaniol, Richard Bellingham, Barry Cohen, and Susan Spaniol

Curriculum / Workbook (PDF)
Was: $31.95
The Recovery Workbook 2: Connectedness
LeRoy Spaniol, Richard Bellingham, Barry Cohen, and Susan Spaniol
Was: $31.95
Recommended for educators, students, practitioners, supervisors, trainers, and consumers—anyone interested in understanding and serving the needs of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Valuable resource for staff development and for classroom use in courses in rehabilitation counseling, psychology, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, and social work.
Additional Materials for Purchase
The Recovery Workbook II: Connectedness is the next step for leaders and students who have experience with The Recovery Workbook: Practical Coping and Empowerment Strategies for People with Psychiatric Disability.
A resource for professionals, family members, and consumers/survivors, this workbook explores the relationship between connectedness and personal growth in the recovery process for people with psychiatric disability. Four aspects of connectedness are addressed: connectedness with oneself, with others, with our environments, and with a larger meaning or purpose in life. Knowledge, skills, and values related to connectedness are presented.
A leader’s guide and PowerPoint Presentation also are available for persons who are using the workbook in groups.
Leader’s Guide
by LeRoy Spaniol and Susan Spaniol
A guide for consumer and professional leaders who are using The Recovery Workbook II: Connectedness with groups.
PowerPoint Presentation
by LeRoy Spaniol and Susan Spaniol
This Microsoft PowerPoint presentation supplements and reinforces teaching points from The Recovery Workbook II: Connectedness and is available for purchase.
Citation: Spaniol, L., Bellingham, R., Cohen, B., & Spaniol, S. (2003). The recovery workbook 2: Connectedness. Boston, MA: Boston University, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Product Details
PDF file: 94 pages
Published: 2003
ISBN: 978-1878512-13-0
Leader’s Guide:
PDF file: 33 pages
Published: 2003
ISBN: 978-1878512-14-7
PowerPoint Slides
PDF: 58 Slides
Published: 2003
ISBN: 978-1878512-28-4
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Connecting with Oneself
Chapter 3: Connecting with Others
Chapter 4: Connecting with Our Environments
Chapter 5: Connecting with a Larger Meaning or Purpose
…I have used the Connectedness material off and on with the group of consumers. We all are extremely impressed with the book. I feel that the text part of the book is brilliantly written and pulled together a very in-depth understanding of the issue of making connections. I am very impressed with the wide research you all have done to put together this book. The second on loneliness is outstanding. Personally, I am deeply moved by the section on spirituality, especially your inclusion of spiritual thinkers, such as Anthony Campollo…
Evie Unkefer, LSCSW, Mettinger Clinic