Recovery from Severe Mental Illnesses: Research Evidence and Implications for Practice, Volume 2
Larry Davidson, Courtenay Harding, and LeRoy Spaniol

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Recovery from Severe Mental Illnesses: Research Evidence and Implications for Practice, Volume 2
Larry Davidson, Courtenay Harding, and LeRoy Spaniol
Was: $49.95
Recommended for educators, researchers, and practitioners—anyone interested in understanding and serving the needs of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Valuable resource for staff development and for classroom use in courses in rehabilitation counseling, psychology, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, and social work.
Recovery from Severe Mental Illnesses: Research Evidence and Implications for Practice, Volume 2 explores the range of interventions that have been found to promote recovery for people with serious mental illnesses, including psychiatric rehabilitation, community integration, treatment, case management, and advocacy. Volume 2 also addresses the role of family members and other supports, how mental health systems can become recovery-oriented systems of care, and future directions for research and practice.
Citation: Davidson, L, Harding, C., & Spaniol, L. (Eds). (2006). Recovery from severe mental illnesses: Research evidence and implications for practice, Volume 2. Boston, MA: Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Product Details
PDF file: 448 pages
Published: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-878512-17-8
Table of Contents
Forward by William A. Anthony
Chapter 4: What Helps People Improve? Part 2: Treatment, Case Management, and Advocacy
Chapter 5: What Helps People Improve? Part 3: The Role of Families and Supportive Others
Chapter 6: How Can Mental Health Systems Evolve into Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care?
Chapter 7: An Agenda for Recovery Research and Practice
Click here to read a review from the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.
Jabbarpour, Y. M. (2007). Book review: Recovery from severe mental illnesses: Research evidence and implications for practice, volumes 1 and 2. Psychiatric Services, 58.8.1128.