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AMA-Employment Webinar with Peer Support Expert Amy Pierce (Feb. 13th, 2023) – Supervising the Peer Workforce in Behavioral Health Settings
January 5, 2023
Ask Me Anything: Supervising the Peer Workforce in Behavioral Health Settings
You’re invited to ask an expert about another interesting topic related to employment! This free event is not a presentation, but rather an interactive question & answer webinar. And YOU provide the questions.
Save the Date: Monday, February 13th at 12:00 – 1:00 PM (Eastern)
Ask Me Anything About …
Supervising the Peer Workforce in Behavioral Health Settings with guest expert Amy Pierce
Amy Pierce, MHPS, PSS, ALF
Amy has been working in the peer movement in the State of Texas for almost two decades and now serves as the Recovery Institute Deputy Director. Previously, she was the CEO of Resiliency Unleashed, an international training and consulting company focusing on the development and implementation of peer services. She started the first peer support program in the Texas State hospital system, was a peer support worker in a community mental health agency and served as the Program Coordinator for a transitional peer residential housing project funded through the 1115 waiver program. Amy has held supervisory roles within these programs, developing training for providers across Texas and beyond. Amy is a Mental Health Peer Specialist, a Certified Peer Specialist Supervisor, and trainer/facilitator (Advanced Level Wrap facilitator, ASIST trainer, WHAM facilitator). Amy is a previous chair of the PAIMI council and is a current board member for Disability Rights Texas.
Zoom Registration: https://bostonu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Tymu99ALReOCUBvV4PFTiA
Submit webinar questions before the webinar to
Lyn Legere, MS at lynleg@bu.edu
Tech Requirements:
The registration and webinar will be conducted through Zoom Conferencing. Once you complete the registration process you will receive an e-mail with the Zoom link for the webinar. If you do not have the Zoom app installed on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, you will be directed through the download process upon registration.
Accommodation Requests:
Boston University provides reasonable accommodation upon request. Please send an email to lynleg@bu.edu 14 days prior to the event with the specific accommodations you require. If less than 14 days remain until the event, please submit your request the same day you register, or as soon as possible, so we can make every effort to accommodate you.
This event has passed. View the webinar recording in our archives here.
Notice: This event is funded under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90RTEM0004). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The statements made during the event do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, or HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
very valuable information, I like it.