Boston University Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Boston University Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Derek completed the Post Compulsory Teacher’s Training Certificate at Brighton University (UK) and other specific teacher training courses during the 90’s while working as an Internal Arts Instructor (Qigong, Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua Chang, Hsing I Chuan and Taoist Meditation). Derek came to the USA and BUCPR in 2002. His responsibilities at the BUCPR are developing classes and other activities, teaching and advising students; classes include Internal Arts of Qigong, Taoist Breathing and Meditation and Tai Chi Chuan; WRAP, IMR, Writing and Recovery, Movies/Film and Recovery, Painting for Wellness, Computer Seminar, Fitness, Cognitive Remediation, Embracing Loss (Mourning and Grief), Photovoice and performance-based classes such as Acts of Recovery. He is responsible for organizing our student “Talent Shows” and compiling and editing of our student Newsletter, “The Center”.

Areas of Expertise

  • Designing, developing, and teaching innovative courses such as Acts of Recovery (performance as a recovery tool) and Brain Fitness (cognitive rehabilitation for recovery)
  • Providing supported education and health promotion and wellness advising
  • Teaching a variety of Internal Arts systems
  • Teaching writing, music and performance rehabilitation
  • Teaching computer education
  • Training for colleagues and other professionals in Internal Arts, relaxation, stress relief and trauma therapy
  • Editing the Center Newsletter
  • Producing The Center Talent Shows and Open Mic Sessions

Derek is an Internal Arts Instructor tutored by Master Bruce Kumar Frantzis (CA), Sifu Frank Allen (NY) and Paul Cavel (UK). He has a Masters Degree in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling and he is a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner (CPRP). He has a wide range of teaching experience in music, art, computers and the Internal Arts. He is a painter, photographer and a multi-musician recording artist.


Selected Publications

Michael A. Grodin, M.D., Linda Piwowarczyk, M.D., M.P.H., Derek Fulker, M.A., Alexander R. Bazazi, B.A., and Robert B. Saper, M.D., M.P.H. Treating Survivors of Torture and Refugee Trauma: A preliminary case series using Qigong and Tai Chi, September 2008, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.


Selected Presentations

The Massachusetts Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Fifteenth Annual Conference, Harnessing the Power of Relationships: The Foundation of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Whole Body Awareness: For presence, attention, grounding and listening skills and for developing inner silence. Derek Fulker MA, CPRP. October 25th 2017.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association. Recovery Workforce Summit, The State of Recovery in the World of Psych Rehab: Our Collective Vision Put Into Action. Whole Body Awareness: For Presence, Attention, Grounding and Listening Skills and for Developing Inner Silence. Derek Fulker MA, CPRP. May 24th 2016.

The Massachusetts Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Fourteenth Annual Conference,  Supporting Recovery Through a Cultural Lens: The Cognitive Remediation Tool Box. Derek Fulker MA, CPRP. November 5th 2015.

The Massachusetts Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Fourteenth Annual Conference,  Supporting Recovery Through a Cultural Lens. Whole Body Awareness: For Presence, Attention, Grounding and Listening Skills and for Developing Inner Silence. Derek Fulker MA, CPRP.  November 5th 2015.

The Massachusetts Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Thirteenth Annual Conference, Supporting the Recovery Workforce Toward Lifelong Learning. The Cognitive Remediation Tool Box. October 16, 2014.

The Massachusetts Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Thirteenth Annual Conference,  Supporting the Recovery Workforce Toward Lifelong Learning. Ultimate Mindfulness: Whole Body Awareness for Presence, Attention, Grounding and Listening Skills and for Developing Inner Silence.  October 16, 2014.

The Massachusetts Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Twelfth Annual Conference 2013, Connections for Life: Recovery and Community Partnership.  The Implementation of Qigong in a Recovery Oriented Program, Derek Fulker, Training Associate and Mat Guenther, Training Associate, BU Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation. October 29th, 2013.

The Massachusetts Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Eleventh Annual Conference 2012, The Paradox of Risk: Recovery and Rehabilitation Through Shared Responsibility: The Implementation of Tai Chi in a Recovery Oriented Program, Derek Fulker, Training Associate and Mat Guenther, Training Associate, BU Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.  October 18, 2012.

The Massachusetts Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Ninth Annual Conference 2010, Putting Our Collective Vision into Action: Enriching lives in the Community, Qigong, Trauma & Recovery, Derek Fulker, Training Associate, Jake Briggs, Administrative Assistant BU Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.  October 27 & 28, 2010.

Alternatives 2008, Adam’s Mark Hotel, Buffalo, New York. The Role of The Internal Arts for Health Wellness and Recovery, Derek Fulker, Training Associate, BU Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.  October 29 – November 2, 2008.

The Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation’s Conference, “Innovations to Practice: The Promise and Challenge of Achieving Recovery for All.” Combating Stigma and Discrimination: Using the Power of Photovoice, Zlatka Russinova, Senior Research Associate; Derek Fulker, Training Associate; Cheryl Gagne, Senior Training Associate; Catherine Imbasciati, Instructor; Abdellah RamRam, former student; Alexandra Bowers, Former Training Associate, BU Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation. April 15, 2008.

18th Annual International Trauma Conference, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA: Neuroscience, Attachment and Therapeutic Interventions. Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong for Self-Regulation and Grounding in Complex Trauma, Michael A. Grodin, MD,  Derek Fulker, MA, Dan Kleiman, Robert Saper, MD, MPH, Lin Piwowarczyk, MD, MPH, Bill Robertson, Alan Dougall. June 20-23, 2007.

The Trauma Center, Boston, Internal Energy Arts as a Treatment for Survivors of Torture and Refugee Trauma. Joint Presentation by: Michael A. Grodin, M.D and Derek Fulker, M.A.  April 5, 2007.

Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Internal Energy Arts as a Treatment for Survivors of Torture and Refugee Trauma. Joint Presentation by: Michael A. Grodin, M.D and Derek Fulker, M.A.  April 2, 2007.

HMS Osher Institute, The Internal Energy Arts (Tai Chi, Qi Gung, Ba Gua) and the Treatment of Survivors of Torture & Refugee Trauma. Joint Presentation by: Michael A. Grodin, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry Director Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health; Derek Fulker, M.A. Internal Arts Instructor; Robert Saper, M.D., M.P.H. Assistant Professor Director of Integrative Medicine Boston University Medical Center. February 8, 2007.

Paul Cherchia, LMHC-MA Co-Directs the College Mental Health Educational Program, CMHEP at Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College at Boston University. Paul is an instructor as well as a college coach within the NITEO program a wellness and academic skills-building program assisting college students to successfully re-enter college and complete higher education. He also co-developed and teaches PDP HE 102 LEAD BU: Building Wellness & Academic Skills for Success, which is a wellness and academic seminar helping students learn strategies for academic success, explore values and goals, access campus supports and develop skills for healthy interpersonal relationships. Additionally, oversee the PASS: Peer Academic Support Support program at BU and supervises the Peer Academic Coaches that work one on one with other BU students who are living with a mental health challenge. Prior to working at the Center, he was employed within Boston University working in both the Enrollment Offices and Residence Life Offices.

Areas of Expertise

  • Generating and executing training and consultation opportunities for BU and non-BU based communities
  • Continuing partnerships and acquiring new relationships with BU and non-BU based communities

Philippe Bloch, M.Ed., is Senior Research Coordinator at the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University. As a member of the Research Division, he assists Principal Investigators with study management; responsibilities include: grant writing, IRB submissions, recruitment, data collection and analysis, intervention fidelity, preparation of manuscripts for publication, curriculum development and development of training manuals in the field. He currently serves as Project Manager for multi-site, NIH-funded research study analyzing cognitive remediation and supported employment. As part of a NIDILRR-funded Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP), he is the lead author of a curriculum designed to enhance community participation for people diagnosed with mental illness. Particular areas of interest include studying prejudice and discrimination related to mental illness, vocational recovery, empowerment of marginalized populations, and the photovoice participatory action methodology. In affiliation with Boston University Medical Center, he has contributed to ongoing smoking cessation and diabetes education studies by integrating photovoice sessions into those larger studies.

Mr. Bloch has a long-standing commitment to the field of human rights and has worked as a research assistant at Physicians for Human Rights and Cultural Survival. Together with his colleagues, he publishes his research in peer-reviewed journals and has presented at National Conferences, Grand Rounds, and community-based fora.

Philippe hails from New York City and resides in Brookline, Massachusetts. An aspiring poet and musician, Philippe admires integrity, subtlety and passion in art and life. Philippe embraces the Jewish faith and places the study and practice of the Torah at the pinnacle of his existence.

Selected Publications

Russinova, Z., Bloch, P., Wewiorski, N., Shappell, H., Rogers E. S. (2018). Predictors of sustained employment among individuals with serious mental illness: Findings from a 5-year naturalistic longitudinal study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 206(9), 669-679.

Russinova, Z., Gidugu, V., Bloch, P., Restrepo-Toro, M., Rogers, E. S. (2018). Empowering individuals with psychiatric disabilities to work: Results of a randomized trial. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 41(3), 196-207.

Russinova, Z., Mizock, L., Bloch, P. (2018). Photovoice as a tool to understand the experience of stigma among individuals with serious mental illnesses. Stigma and Health, 3(3), 171-185.

Florian, J., Roy, N. M., Quintiliani, L. M., Truong, V., Feng, Y., Bloch, P. P., Russinova, Z. L., & Lasser, K. E. (2016). Using photovoice and asset mapping to inform a community-based diabetes intervention, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015. Preventing Chronic Disease (13) E107, 1-11.

Restrepo-Toro, M. E., Gagne, C., Russinova, Z., Bloch, P., Pritchett, S., Woods, T., & Nicolellis, D. (2015). Vocational empowerment photovoice. Boston, MA: Boston University, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Quintiliani, L. M., Russinova, Z. L., Bloch, P. P., Truong, V., Xuan, Z., Pbert, L., & Lasser, K. E. (2015). Patient navigation and financial incentives to promote smoking cessation in an underserved primary care population: A randomized controlled trial protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials 45, Part B, 449–457.

Millner, U. C., Rogers, E. S., Bloch, P., Costa, W., Pritchett, S., & Woods, T. (2015). Exploring the work lives of adults with serious mental illness from a vocational psychology perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(4), 642-654.

Russinova, Z., Rogers, E. S., Gagne, C., Bloch, P., Drake, K. M., & Mueser, K. T. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of a peer-run antistigma photovoice intervention. Psychiatric Services, (65)2, 242-246.

Russinova, Z., Rogers, E.S., Ellison, M.L., Bloch, P., Lyass, A., & Wewiorski, N. (2013). Predictors of financial self-sufficiency among Social Security beneficiaries with psychiatric disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 38(1), 49-66.

Russinova, Z., Griffin, S., Bloch, P., Wewiorski, N.J., & Rosoklija, I. (2011). Workplace prejudice and discrimination toward individuals with mental illnesses. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 35(3), 227–241.

Gagne, C., Bowers, A., Russinova, Z., & Bloch, P. (2010). Combating prejudice and discrimination through PhotoVoice empowerment: Workbook. Boston, MA: Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Gagne, C., Bowers, A., Russinova, Z., Bloch, P., & McNamara, S. (2010). Combating prejudice and discrimination through PhotoVoice empowerment: Leader’s guide. Boston, MA: Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Forbess, R., Farkas, M., Russinova, Z., & Bloch, P. (2010). Enhancing workplace inclusion for employees with psychiatric disabilities. Boston: Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Russinova, Z., Bloch, P.P., & Lyass, A. (2007). Patterns of employment among individuals with mental illness in vocational recovery. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 45(12), 48-54.

Dr. Zlatka Russinova is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the Boston University Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the Director of Research at the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.  She is a Principal Co-Investigator for the NIDILRR-funded Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training Program in Psychiatric Rehabilitation. She has directed projects exploring various aspects of recovery, such as vocational recovery and successful employment, the role of spirituality in recovery and the use of alternative therapies, and mental health practitioners’ recovery-promoting competence. Dr. Russinova has led the development and evaluation of several recovery-oriented interventions incorporating Photovoice methodology as an empowerment tool to promote proactive coping with prejudice and discrimination, engagement in vocational services, and community participation.

Areas of Expertise

  • Vocational recovery and sustained employment of people with serious mental illnesses
  • Psychiatric prejudice and discrimination
  • The role of hope in the process of recovery from serious mental illnesses
  • Mental health and rehabilitation providers’ recovery-promoting competencies
  • The role of spirituality and alternative healing practices in the process of recovery
  • from severe mental illnesses
  • Assessment of recovery outcomes
  • Community participation

Selected Publications

Russinova, Z., Bloch, P., Wewiorski, N., Shappell, H., & Rogers, E.S. (2018). Predictors of sustained employment among individuals with severe mental illness: Findings from a 5-year naturalistic longitudinal study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 206(9), 669-679.

Russinova, Z., Gidugu, V., Bloch, P., Restrepo-Toro, M., & Rogers, E.S. (2018). Empowering Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities to Work: Results of a Randomized Trial. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 41(3), 196-207.

Russinova, Z., Mizock, L., & Bloch, P. (2018).  Photovoice as a Tool to Understand the Experience of Stigma among Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses. Stigma and Health, 3(3), 171-185.

Mizock, L., & Russinova, Z. (2018). The process of development and analysis of a Photovoice mental health intervention. SAGE Research Methods Case Studies.  London: SAGE.

Florian, J., Roy, N. M., Quintiliani, L. M., Truong, V., Feng, Y., Bloch, P. P., Russinova, Z., & Lasser, K. E. (2016). Using Photovoice and Asset Mapping to Inform a Community Based Diabetes Intervention. Preventing Chronic Disease, (13) E107, 1-11.

Mizock, L., & Russinova, Z. (2016). Acceptance of mental illness: Promoting recovery among culturally diverse groups. New York: Oxford University Press USA.

Rogers, E. S., Russinova, Z., Maru, M., Restrepo-Toro, M., Cook, K. F., & Rogers, J. D. (2015). Assessing Recovery-Promoting Competencies of Providers Serving Latinos with Serious Mental Illnesses. Journal of Latino Psychology, 3(4), 239-257.

Quintiliani, L., Russinova, Z., Bloch, P., Truong, V., Xuan, Z., Pbert, L., & Lasser, K. (2015). Patient navigation and financial incentives to promote smoking cessation in an underserved primary care population: A randomized controlled trial protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 45, Part B, 449-457.

Mizock, L., & Russinova, Z., & DeCastro, S. (2015). Recovery Narrative Photovoice: Feasibility of a writing and photography intervention for serious mental illnesses. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 38(3), 279-282.

Mizock, L., & Russinova, Z. (2015). Intersectional stigma and the acceptance process of women with mental illness. Women & Therapy, 38(1-2), 14-30.

Mizock, L., Russinova, Z., & Millner, U. (2014). Barriers and facilitators to the acceptance process for individuals with mental illness. Qualitative Health Review, 24(9), 1265-1275.

Mizock, L., Russinova, Z., & Shani, R. (2014). New roads paved on losses: Analysis of Photovoice for recovery from mental illness. Qualitative Health Review, 24(11), 1481-1491.

Mizock, L., Russinova, Z., & Millner, U. (2014). Acceptance of Mental Illness: Core Components of a Multifaceted Construct.  Psychological Services, 11(1), 97-104.

Moran, G., Russinova, Z., Yim, J.Y., & Sprague, C. (2014). Motivations of persons with psychiatric disabilities to work in mental health peer services: A qualitative study using Self-determination theory.  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 24(1), 32-41.

Russinova, Z., Rogers, E. S., Gagne, C., Bloch, P., Drake, K., & T., Mueser. K. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of a peer-run anti-stigma photovoice intervention. Psychiatric Services, (65)2, 242-246.

Mizock, L., & Russinova, Z. (2013). Racial and ethnic cultural factors in the acceptance process among individuals in recovery from serious mental illness. Rehabilitation counseling Bulletin, 56(4), 229-239.

Moran, G., Russinova, Z., Gidugu, V., & Gagne, C. (2013). Challenges experienced by paid peer providers in mental health recovery: A qualitative study. Community Mental Health Journal, 49, 281-291.

Russinova, Z., Rogers, E.S., Cook, K., Ellison, M.L., & Lyass, A. (2013). Conceptualization and measurement of mental health providers’ recovery-promoting competence: The Recovery Promoting Relationships Scale (RPRS). Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 36(1), 7-14.

Russinova, Z., Rogers, E.S., Ellison, M.L., Bloch, P., Lyass, A. & Wewiorski (2013). Predictors of financial self-sufficiency among Social Security beneficiaries with psychiatric disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 38(1), 49-66.

Moran, G., Russinova, Z., & Stepas, K. (2012). Toward understanding the impact of occupational characteristics on the recovery and growth processes of peer-providers. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35(5), 376-380.

Moran, G., Russinova, Z., Gidugu, V., Yim, J.Y., & Sprague, C. (2012). Benefits and mechanisms of recovery among peer-providers with psychiatric illnesses. Qualitative Health Research, 22(3), 304-319.

Mizock, L., Millner, U., & Russinova, Z. (2012). Spiritual and religious issues in psychotherapy with schizophrenia: History, culture, and practice. Religions, 3(1), 82-98.

Russinova, Z., Griffin, S., Bloch, P., Wewiorski, N.J., & Rosoklija, I. (2011). Workplace prejudice and discrimination toward individuals with mental illnesses. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 35(4), 1-15.

Russinova, Z., Rogers, E.S., Ellison, M.L., & Lyass, A. (2011). Recovery-promoting professional competencies: Perspectives of mental health consumers, consumer-providers and providers. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 34(3), 177-185.

MacDonald -Wilson, K., Russinova, Z., Rogers, E. S., Lin, C.H., Ferguson, T, Dong, S., & Kash MacDonald, M. (2010). Disclosure of mental health disabilities in the workplace. In: Handbook of Job Accommodation and Retention in Mental Health (191-217). I. Z. Schultz & E. S. Rogers, Eds. New York: Springer.

Russinova, Z., Prout, T., Wewiorski, N., Cash, D.J., Stepas, K., & Lyass, A. (2009). Use of prayer by persons with serious mental illnesses: Patterns and perceived benefits. Counseling and Spirituality, 28(2), 59-82.

Russinova, Z., Cash, D., & Wewiorski, N. (2009). Toward understanding the usefulness of complementary and alternative medicine for individuals with serious mental illnesses: A classification of perceived benefits. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(1), 69-73.

Ellison, M.L., Russinova, Z., Lyass, A., & Rogers, E.S. (2008). Professionals and managers with severe mental illness: Findings from a national study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(3), 179-189.

Russinova, Z., Bloch, P.P., & Lyass, A. (2007), Patterns of employment among individuals with mental illness in vocational recovery. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 45(12), 48-54.

Russinova, Z., & Cash, D. (2007). Personal perspectives about the meaning of religion and spirituality among persons with serious mental illnesses. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 30(4), 271-285.

Hutchinson, D. S., Gagne, C., Bowers, A., Russinova, Z., Skrinar, G. S., & Anthony, W. A. (2006). A framework for health promotion services for people with psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 29(4), 241-250.

Ellison, M. L., Russinova, Z., Massaro, J., & Lyass, A. (2005). People with schizophrenia employed as professionals and managers: initial evidence and exploration. Schizophrenia Research, 76(1), 123-125.

Ellison, M. L., Russinova, Z., MacDonald-Wilson, K. L., & Lyass, A. (2003). Patterns and correlates of workplace disclosure among professionals and managers with psychiatric conditions. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 18(1), 3-13.

Russinova, Z., Wewiorski, N., & Cash, D. J. (2002). Use of alternative health care practices by persons with serious mental illness: Perceived benefits. American Journal of Public Health, 92(10), 1600-1603.

Russinova, Z., Wewiorski, N., Lyass, A., Rogers, E. S., & Massaro, J. (2002). Correlates of vocational recovery for persons with schizophrenia. International Review of Psychiatry, 14(4), 303-311.

Russinova, Z. (1999). Providers’ hope-inspiring competence as a factor optimizing psychiatric rehabilitation outcomes. Journal of Rehabilitation, 65(4), 50-57.

Lyn Legere is a person in long term recovery from substance abuse and mental health challenges. Lyn came to the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation as a volunteer in the early days of her recovery. The opportunity to meet and work with others pursuing mental health recovery in an environment that fully supports peoples’ strengths and abilities led Lyn to increase her work and eventually enroll in the Masters’ program. Lyn received her Masters’ in Psychiatric Rehabilitation in 2005. After graduation, Lyn served as the Director of the Peer Support Training and Certification Program at the Transformation Center in Massachusetts for 8 years. She took on a similar role at Promise Resource Network in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she worked for 6 years. She has also consulted nationally and internationally on best practices in peer support training, supervision and peer roles within and beyond the behavioral health system. She is a consultant to SAMHSA and BRSS TACs (Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale, Technical Assistance Centers) on recovery and peer support. Lyn returned to the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation in 2017 as a Senior Training Associate, supervising peer Photovoice trainers in a research project. Currently, Lyn is the Program Director for the RiseUP Above Benefits project and is working on several projects with Dr. Zlatka Russinova and Dr. Sally Rogers.


Selected Publications

Nemec, P., Swarbrick, M. & Legere, L. (2015) Prejudice and discrimination from mental health service providers. Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 38(2), 203-206.

Legere, L. and Davidow, S. (2014)  The Provider’s Handbook on Developing and Implementing Peer Support, Available online.

Legere, L. (2014).  Working with the Work Incentives:  A User-Friendly Guide.  Self-Published.

Legere, L., Nemec, P., and Swarbrick, M. (2013).   Personal Narratives as a Training Tool.  Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 36(4), 319-321.